Philippine Standard Time:

Chief Education Supervisor
Reports to: Schools Division Superintendent & Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Position Supervised: Education Program Supervisor and all other positions in SGOD
Office Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

  1. Provides strategic direction and technical inputs to the management of the schools division towards effective and efficient governance and operation of the schools and learning centers and in being accountable for its organizational effectiveness
  2. Leads and manages the work of the team that will help ensure that the Schools Division has the resourced technical assistance and is able to implement sustainable programs and projects to help schools establish and manage conducive learning environments and ensure learner readiness to learn

Key Result Areas:

  1. Policies and Programs
  2. Partners and Donors
  3. School Compliance to
  4. Quality Standards (Public and Private)
  5. Research and
  6. Development
  7. Technical Assistance
  8. Unit Performance

Education Program Supervisor
Reports to: Chief Education Program Supervisor
Office Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

  1.  Develops and supervises the implementation of special programs and projects of the schools division office towards the holistic development of learners (non-curricular*) and provides technical assistance to schools to help them implement sustainable programs and projects (program related to learner development, boy scouting, girl scouting, etc.) and educational support (e.g. brigada eskwela, adopt a school, etc.)

Key Result Areas:

  1. Programs and Projects (Support to school governance, operation, and learner)
  2. Partners and Donors
  3. Advocacy
  4. Research and Development
  5. Technical Assistance
  6. Unit Performance

Engineer III
Reports to: Chief Education Program Supervisor
Office Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

         Provides technical services for schools, learning centers, and the schools division office to have a physical environment that is conducive to effective teaching, learning and working by ensuring access to adequate, structurally and physically safe buildings, grounds, and facilities according to the requirements and standards of an education and work facility that is environmentally sustainable, hazard free, gender sensitive, and friendly to people with disability

Key Result Areas:

  1. Site Inspection
  2. BAC Procurement Activities
  3. Construction
  4. Facilities Repair
  5. Final Inspection
  6. Preservation of Heritage Buildings
  7. Demolition and Condemnation of Education
  8. School Mapping and Inventory of School Buildings and Educational Facilities
  9. Files and Records

Senior Education Program Specialist (HR)
Reports to: Education Program Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

  1. Provides technical support in the implementation of a strategic HRD plan, operationalizes the HRD systems, develops its components to suit local situation, and provides technical assistance to the schools division through the TA teams, in order to deliver quality and sustainable HRD services towards acquisition and development of component personnel in the region
  2. Provides technical assistance in the preparation in the HR strategic and operational plans of schools and learning centers, and of the units in the division office

Key Result Areas:

Programs and Projects (Support to school governance, operation, and learner)
Partners and Donors
Research and Development
Technical Assistance
Unit Performance

Education Program Specialist II (HR)
Reports to: Senior Education Program Specialist
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

Assists the Chief and Education Program Supervisors in maintaining systems and implementing components in order to ensure delivery of quality and sustainable HRD services

Key Result Areas:

  1. HR Strategic Plans and Policies
  2. Professional and Career Development
  3. HR Development Interventions
  4. Scholarship and Professional Program Coordination
  5. Training and Development Records
  6. Succession Exit
  7. Employees Welfare
  8. Technical Assistance

Senior Education Program Specialist (SocMob & Networking)
Reports to: Education Program Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

Provides technical support in strengthening and sustaining relationships and collaborations of education partners and stakeholders, and mobilizing resources and providing technical assistance to support special programs and projects towards increasing access to and enhancing the delivery of quality basic education

Key Result Areas:

  1. Resourcing (for Special Programs and Projects: e.g. Adopt a School Program, Funding Resource for School Based training for teachers)
  2. Sustained Partnerships
  3. Research and Development
  4. Technical Assistance

Senior Education Program Specialist (SocMob & Mobilization)
Reports to: Senior Education Program Specialist
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

Assists in providing technical support to strengthening partnerships with both internal and external educational stakeholders and responds to the needs of the schools and learning centers for the resources and capacity to implement sustainable programs and projects to enhance the delivery of quality basic education

Key Result Areas:

  1. Resourcing (for Special Programs and Projects: e.g. Adopt a School Program, Funding Resource for School Based training for teachers)
  2. Sustained Partnerships
  3. Research and Development
  4. Technical Assistance

Project Development Officer II (DRRM)
Reports to: Senior Education Program Specialist
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

  1. Coordinates with the NDRRM (CO and RO), Local Government, and other government agencies to implement mandated measures, programs and projects, in Disaster and Risk Reduction Management (DRRM) to the schools division so as to prepare for and mitigate the effect of disasters on the delivery of basic education
  2. Provides technical assistance to schools management in identifying, assessing, and reducing the risks of disaster to educational facilities, workers and learners and dealing with environmental and other hazards that could trigger disaster

Key Result Areas:

  1. Partners and Linkages (on DRRM)
  2. Information, Education, and Advocacy (for DRRM)
  3. Policies, Systems, and Standards (for DRRM)
  4. Programs and Projects (for DRRM)
  5. Technical Assistance

Senior Education Program Specialist (School Management & Monitoring and Evaluation)
Reports to: Education Program Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

  1. Provides technical support in implementing quality management systems in the schools division office, the schools and learning centers and monitor adherence to standards and policies towards effective and efficient delivery of quality basic education 
  2. Leads districts and schools/learning centers in the implementation of an M&E system to monitor their progress

Key Result Areas:

  1. Quality Management System
  2. Assessment
  3. School Compliance to Quality Standards (Public and Private)
  4. Research and Development
  5. Technical Assistance to Schools and learning Centers 

Education Program Specialist II (School Management & Monitoring and Evaluation)
Reports to: Education Program Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

  1. Assists in providing technical support in implementing quality management systems in the schools division office, the schools, and learning centers and monitor adherence to standards and policies towards effective and efficient delivery of quality basic education
  2. Assists districts and schools/learning centers in the implementation of an M&E system to monitor their progress

Key Result Areas:

  1. Quality Management System
  2. Assessment
  3. School Compliance to Quality Standards (Public and Private)
  4. Research and Development
  5. Technical Assistance to Schools and learning Centers

Senior Education Program Specialist (Planning and Research)
Reports to: Education Program Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

  1. Provides technical support and inputs in the preparation and updating of the school division’s 6-year strategic plan and annual work plans
  2. Provides technical assistance in the preparation of the strategic and operational work plans of schools and learning centers and of the units in the division office.

Key Result Areas:

  1. Planning Frame, Systems and Plans
  2. Basic Education Information System (e-BEIS) Maintenance and Report Generation
  3. Technical Assistance

Planning Officer III
Reports to: Education Program Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

Provides descriptive and summary statistics and information that will be utilized for planning, budgeting, report preparation, and policy direction as well as, ensure basic education data quality and access by intended users
Monitors and evaluates implementation of policies and guidelines related to planning and education and data management systems by the schools and learning centers

Key Result Areas:

  1. Plans and Budget
  2. Basic Education Information System (e-BEIS) Maintenance and Report Generation
  3. Capacity Building
  4. Technical Assistance

Reports to: Education Program Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

Promotes, protects and maintains the physical and mental well-being and readiness of learners to learn, by planning, formulating strategies for dental health programs, establishes viable and sustainable linkages with educational partners and stakeholders via dental health programs.

Key Result Areas:

  1. Dental Health Programs and Services
  2. Nutrition Program Service (with emphasis on Dental Health Care)
  3. Partnerships

Nurse II
Reports to: Education Program Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

Assists in the implementation of Health and Nutrition Programs and Projects of the SDO

Key Result Areas:

  1. Health Program and Services
  2. Nutrition Program and Services
  3. Linkages
  4. Special Services

Project Development Officer
Reports to: Chief Education Supervisor
Number: 8375-1995 loc. 301

Job Summary:

Performs technical tasks in the implementation and monitoring of the youth formation programs at the division level. The position is responsive to assessing, crafting, and delivering youth formation programs that are contextualized and localized depending on the needs of the schools. The position is also responsible for providing technical assistance to schools and provides policy recommendations at the division level.

Key Result Areas:

  1. Youth Formation Program Management and Implementation
  2. Technical Assistance
  3. Capacity Building
  4. Monitoring and Evaluation
  5. Finance and Administrative Management
  6. Partnerships and Linkages

Last updated: June 6, 2023

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--- Last Updated January 19, 2023 ---